Thursday, February 11, 2010

How to make yogurt!

I love to make my own yogurt! It is so easy and considering how much
yogurt we eat it is considerally less expensive and I get to control
the sugar content.

You can make as much yogurt as you like with whatever milk you like.
Currently we are using skim milk and use about 3/4 gallons in a
batch. You need a pot to heat the milk to 180 F on low heat.

Once to temperature, pour milk into a heat safe bowl. I like the
pyrex bowls as they have plastic lids I can top them with when the
yogurt is finished and ready for the refrigerator.

Leave the milk to cool to between 90-120 F. Once to temperature add
some plain yogurt with live culture (a couple of tbsp is fine) with a
clean spoon and whisk. We have tried a variety and have liked Activia
the best. We use the Activia vanilla flavored yogurt. There is a bit
of the vanilla flavor (which is yummy) in the first batch but by the
second batch it is gone.

Once you add your yogurt culture, place the bowl(s) in the oven. If
you can set the temp to 100-110 F do so, else you can just wrap the
bowl in a towel (oven off).

In 8-12 hours you'll have yogurt. You can use some right away
otherwise cover and refrigerate.

We take a few scoops of yogurt out of the corner of the bowl to create
a pocke for the whey to accumulate. You will notice the yogurt will
get thicker as you drain more of the whey off. Try drinking
is quick refreshing and a bit lemony. You can slurp it out with a
straw if noone in your house minds you drinking from the communal
yogurt bowl.

We use the whey in the yogurt smoothies we make along with some
heaping spoons of yogurt, frozen strawberries, a banana and a teaspoon
or so of sugar.

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